Crossroads Caring Scotland


Charity Name: Crossroads Caring Scotland

Crossroads Caring Scotland is a national charity operating in Scotland since 1978.  There are 42 services located throughout Scotland.
We offer home-based respite for carers and personal care to individuals.  We aim to meet the needs of people with all disabilities.  We adapt our services and develop the skills of our staff to meet the specific need of every client, young to old, deprived to affluent.
Some of our clients require longer term commitment and care e.g. an individual with a disability living independently at home.  Others depend on our services for shorter periods e.g. when recovering from an illness.
Our fully trained staff manage an extensive range of challenges.  An elderly client might require daily visit to help with bathing and feeding, or a carer might need support when coping with the terminal condition of a loved one.
We reach approximately 8,500 carers, with support extending to family members and friends.

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