SpecialEffect – Featured Charity

SpecialEffect are an award-winning charity that enables people with physical disabilities to benefit from the fun and inclusion of video games and leisure technology. They support people of all ages through personalised assessments, equipment loans and equipment modifications.

Bringing fun and inclusion into the lives of people with physical challenges right across the world through the innovative use of technology.

Every individual SpecialEffect work with has completely bespoke needs and the setups they provide can range widely in cost depending on the level of complexity, equipment and follow-up support required.

£5 could buy flexible fixings to enable a controller, joystick or button switch to be held securely for safe and comfortable use.

£50 could buy a gamepad that we can modify with low-force joysticks and buttons for a gamer with weak hand muscles to use.

£200 could buy a single-handed controller that we can modify to enable a disabled gamer to play comfortably with just one hand.

£1600 could help fund an in-depth assessment by our specialist team and the subsequent loan of an adapted gaming control setup to enable a disabled gamer play to the best of their abilities.

To find out more visit https://www.specialeffect.org.uk/

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