Children’s Safety Education Foundation


Charity Name: Children’s Safety Education Foundation

The Children’s Safety Education Foundation (CSEF) is a national charity committed to reducing the number of child victims through the provision of interactive safety education.
CSEF works towards a mission – to reach every child in the UK so that they can make informed choices when they are faced with danger, and promote greater independence and well being in later life.
We have a track record of delivering safety educational programmes covering topics from fire and road safety to social issues such as bullying and self-esteem.
Our aim is to create real change and to achieve this we need to ensure that:
•    Every child and young person in the UK is educated on preventative measures.
•    Issues surrounding child safety and safeguarding are exposed and addressed.
•    The reforms outlined in Every Child Matter agenda are at the core of everything we do.
•    Sufficient money is raised through fundraising and sponsorships to make this happen.

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